“In the Footsteps of Giants” by Jerry Newcombe

In The Footsteps of Giants: Solutions from the Founders for a Nation Gone Astray

By Dr. Jerry Newcombe



Great advice on how to solve many of today’s pressing issues for America can be founding by those who helped create this country. See Jerry Newcombe’s In the Footsteps of Giants. This book was originally called Answers from the Founding Fathers. See Bill Federer’s outstanding Foreword to this book.


Many now wonder: Is America still “exceptional”? Are we still a great nation? What made us so? Can we become great again? In the Footsteps of Giants shows how the core principles America’s founders followed in establishing America can now provide the necessary solutions to restore America to greatness once again.

In his Foreword, Bill Federer writes, “What was the mysterious variable in the equation of America’s founding that gave citizens of this country the most freedom, opportunity and prosperity of any nation that ever existed in all the 6,000 years of recorded human history?

Dr. Jerry Newcombe reveals the secret ingredient in this intriguing book, In the Footsteps of Giants.

“What is the source of our rights? Are religion and morality indispensable supports? Why is it important to have a limited government—’of the people, by the people and for the people’? What is the role of education and the courts? How is economic prosperity achieved? What is the origin of religious liberty? Why did the founders emphasize prayer?

“Dr. Newcombe delves into the principle of self-government, how a country can get by with few external laws if the people live by an internal law.

“There is a Christian component to the settling and founding of America that has made her great. But a land born in great part for religious freedom is fast becoming a land where religious freedom is at risk.

“Modern secularists have rewritten history and spread a false message about our founders and their intent when it comes to religion. As a student of American history, I am positive that our founders intended Christianity to flourish, even in the public square, but not in a compulsory way. What we find today is that groups like the ACLU are now essentially imposing atheism on the public square—in a compulsory way.

“Our founders didn’t want the ACLU version of the First Amendment. In the ACLU’s version, they want to get God out of everything. That’s not what the founders wanted. The founders simply didn’t want the European version of church-state relations, where you had the king choosing a state denomination.

“America has a wonderful foundation, laid by the founding fathers, based largely on principles found in the Bible. They have given us answers to help us get back on the right track. That’s why I’m pleased to recommend this book by my friend, Dr. Jerry Newcombe.

“Can the grand American experiment of people ruling themselves without a king continue?

“Only if we learn the truths that are in Dr. Jerry Newcombe’s book, In the Footsteps of Giants. America’s founders have given us the answers we need for modern America, if we would only heed them. Jerry has done a great job of assembling some of those key answers ‘for such a time as this.’”

Learn how to get your copy by contacting Coral Ridge Ministries at 877-962-7677.



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