Podcast with ADF Expert on Religious Liberty and Corporations

Topic: Religious Freedom and Corporations.

America’s founders said our rights come from God, and religious freedom is one of those key rights. But the woke mentality, which dominates many workplaces today, undermines religious freedom. The Alliance Defending Freedom (the ADF) writes: “Over 3,000 employees were surveyed, with a key takeaway that 3 in 5 American workers self-censor on important issues due to fear of workplace blowback.” Note: ADF maintains that: Ideologically charged business services are bad for everyone, no matter their religious or political views. This is why ADF launched the Viewpoint Diversity Score earlier this year to propose workable solutions through model policies and constructive dialogue to major corporations that are actively undermining free speech, religious freedom, and free markets. Businesses should respect customers, employees, and other stakeholders who hold a wide diversity of viewpoints and perspectives. Jay Hobbs, who serves as Strategic Campaigns and Initiatives Director at the ADF, joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss religious freedom in the environment of a corporation. www.viewpointdiversityscore.org



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