Podcast with Charlie Kirk on Saving the West from Wokeism

Topic: Saving the West from Wokeism.

Publius Communications writes, “The United States of America has long been the lone beacon of freedom and sensibility in a chaotic world. Now, she is under threat from a lethal ideology that seeks to humiliate and erase anyone who does not bow at its altar. The threat in question? Wokeism.” Charlie Kirk, founding of Turning Point USA, has written a new book about wokeism and what a threat it is to our country. Charlie’s book is called, Right Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West. Publius writes this about Charlie’s organization: Charlie Kirk is the “Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to promote the principles of free markets and limited government. With a presence on over 3,000 high school and college campuses nationwide, over 650,000 lifetime student members, and 450 full- and part-time staff across the country, Turning Point USA is the largest and fastest-growing conservative youth activist organization in the country.” Charlie Kirk joins Jerry Newcombe on Vocal Point to discuss saving America and the West from Wokeism. www.tpusa.com

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