Podcast with Focus on the Family’s Nicole Hunt on a Recent Pro-Life Victory
Topic: A Pro-Life Victory.
The founding fathers acknowledged that our Creator has endowed us with the right to life. But that right to life in America has been greatly undermined by the abortion ethic. Recently, there has been a big win for the pro-life cause. It happened in Colorado. Focus on the Family writes: “A federal judge has blocked enforcement of the nation’s first law banning abortion pill reversal treatment, citing free speech and freedom of religion concerns. Abortion pill reversal is a hormone treatment for women who have started a medication abortion but have a change of heart and want to save their babies. This year, Colorado lawmakers enacted a law (Senate Bill 190) banning hormone treatment to reverse a chemical abortion.” Colorado’s pro-abortion law has now been suspended, temporarily, by the federal judge. Nicole Hunt, an attorney and writer with Focus on the Family wrote an article on this recent story. We’ll link to her article. Nicole Hunt joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this pro-life victory. www.focusonthefamily.com