Podcast with Kevin Sorbo on Redemption Needed in America Today

Topic: Redemption Needed in America Today.

America was born in the wake of the First Great Awakening. This was a spiritual movement up and down the Atlantic coast a generation or 2 prior to the American break with England. The great preacher of the First Great Awakening was George Whitefield. He was once asked why he kept preaching that you must be born again. He answered because you must. Well, now there’s a new movie out that stresses our great need for redemption and tells a true story of a drug dealer who didn’t see his need to be born again, his need for the salvation Jesus offers until he was imprisoned in a third world jail, where they don’t fool around. The new movie is called, “The Firing Squad,” and a key actor in it is Kevin Sorbo of “God’s Not Dead” and “Hercules.” Kevin Sorbo joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss “The Firing Squad,” redemption of the human soul, and an ambitious goal to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a million people in our time. www.firingsquadfilm.com

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