Podcast with Mark David Hall on Christian “Nationalism”

Author and professor Dr. Mark David Hall writes, “Critics of ‘Christian nationalism’ almost inevitably claim that its adherents believe that America was founded as a Christian nation. As the author of a book entitled Did America Have a Christian Founding?, a question that I answer with a resounding ‘yes,’ I have often been accused of arguing this position….The claim that America was founded as a Christian nation can be problematic. If those making it mean that America was founded exclusively for Christians, it is simply false. On the other hand, if the claim is merely descriptive—i.e., that when America was founded virtually all of its citizens and leaders would have identified themselves as Christians—it is true but uninteresting.” Dr. Mark David Hall joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss how some mistakenly conflate those who believe America had Christian origins with those who believe in white supremacy or the like. www.markdavidhall.org


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