Podcast with Steve Goreham on Climatism Versus Our Constitutional Republic—Re California Wildfires

Topic: The Environmental Disaster of the California Fires.

The founders of America established us as a constitutional republic. Theoretically, we the people elect our representatives who makes decisions in our place. Fast forward to today, and we see that many people view alleged catastrophic, man-made global warming (or climate change) as an existential threat. But is this premise even right? The recent fires in California were an absolute disaster for the environment, not to mention the people there. Critics observe that it was because of supposedly pro-environment policies that exacerbated the poor response to these fires. Furthermore, and quite amazingly, some on the left actually blame climate change for the fires! Steve Goreham is Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of four books exposing climate change alarmism. Steve Goreham joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the California wildfires.  www.stevegorehman.com

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