What is Providence Today?
Dr. Peter Lillback:
This is Providence Today and we’re in the city of Philadelphia, the birthplace of the United States. There’s so many great stories that are here to tell about how our founding fathers gave us the nation we enjoy every day, as well as the great documents that shape how we govern ourselves and how we express our values as a nation and a people.
Dr. Peter Lillback:
It is impossible to enslave, morally or politically a Bible reading public. The wealth of this world is something that God supplies in his Providence to help us to do things that matter forever for the kingdom of God.
Dr. Peter Lillback:
Now, Washington just happened to have the idea that he wanted to be buried at Mount Vernon. And I happen to be very glad that he did because that allowed the family to put a verse up on his crypt that probably would not have made it here. If you ever get to Mount Vernon, make sure you look at where Washington’s mausoleum is and you’ll see the words from John chapter 11, verse 25. I am the resurrection in the life. I want you to know that no deest ever appeals to that verse. The layout of the city, the story of his life, his impact of his thinking and his actions, how Philadelphia and Pennsylvania became the seed of a nation. Let’s tell that story.
Dr. Peter Lillback:
When we look at the great American flag, do we remember the moral values our founder said? Let justice roll down like mighty rivers. And so when we think about the national anthem, Francis Scott Key’s great story of the Star Spangled Banner here in historic Philadelphia there’s so many wonderful places to see like Carpenters’ Hall. When we look at all these things, the question that it always brings to me is what mark are we going to make on freedom? First of all, the idea that the people are important. Well, guess what, we’re made in the image of God.