Wall of Misconception
Does the Separation of Church and State Mean the Separation of God and Government?
Legal battles over the Pledge of Allegiance and Ten Commandments plaques on the walls of courthouses and other public buildings prompted this resource that tackles the relationship of the Church and State in the American context.
The “wall of separation between church and state” is a phrase not found anywhere in the Constitution, but activist judges have recklessly used that phrase to stamp our public religious expression. We are restricted from praying in public schools, the Ten Commandments and other religious symbols have been stripped from public buildings, and the term “under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance has be called “unconstitutional”.
Exposing the Church/State Separation Myth
Wall of Misconception. written by Providence Forum President Dr. Peter Lillback, was prompted by a critique from a pastor to an article published by the Providence Forum highlighting the relentless movement to strip our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage from our culture.
By pointing to America’s founding fathers and historical documents that prove Christianity’s incontrovertible influence on our nation at large, the book seeks to expose the church/state separation myth by countering the claims that Christianity must only reside in the walls of the church
Chapters include:
- God in the Public Square – Public Schools and the Pledge of Allegiance
- The Ten Commandments and the Courthouse – Can Religious Documents be used in Governmental Settings for Secular Purposes?
- The Separation of Church and State – The Relationship of Church and State in the American Context
- Required Homage of a Creed that is Not One’s Own
- Tax Dollars and Faith-based Ministries
- George Washington’s Constitutional Precedents foe the Centrality of the Judeo-Christian Values in the Public Square
- The Logic of Liberty – Come, let us Reason Together!
As US Senator Rick Santorum notes in his forward to this resource:
“..as Dr. Lillback shows, as a simple historical matter, our founders were more than willing to accommodate religious expression and symbols in the public square. Indeed, in word and deed they encouraged it. That is why Justice William Rehnquist was right to declare in 1985 ….that “The ‘wall of separation between church and state’ is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.”
Want More?
Within the pages of Wall of Misconception, Dr. Peter Lillback counters the claims that Christianity must only reside in the walls of the church by pointing America’s Founding Fathers and historical documents that prove Christianity’s incontrovertible influence on our nation at large. Purchase the Book Here »