Podcast with American Historian and Author Dr. James S. Robbins- “Does History Matter?”

Topic: Does History Matter? Do Civics Matter?

A recent survey of 3,000 college students dealt with basic knowledge of American history and government. They report, “We found that significant numbers of college students graduate without even a rudimentary grasp of America’s history and political system.” For example, some of the findings were: “Almost one-third of students think senators serve a four-year term.”

“One-third of students are not sure who the chief justice of the Supreme Court is.” “Almost half of students incorrectly identify Thomas Jefferson as the Father of the Constitution.” “Less than one-third of students know that the legislative branch has the power to declare war.” And on it goes. A fascinating book is called “Erasing America,” and it’s by Dr. James S. Robbins, who has written a lot for USA Today. Does history matter? Do civics matter? Dr. James S. Robbins

joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the importance of re-emphasizing history and civics in American education. www.iwp.edu

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