Podcast with Dan Steiner on Saving Babies Versus the Abortion Ethic

Topic: Saving Babies.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are the right to life.” So says our national birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. But abortion is at war with the right to life. Today a major means of abortion are through abortion pills. Pinkston Communications notes, “Pharmacies across the country have quietly begun dispensing the abortion pill. Major pharmacy chains, including Walgreens and CVS, are working to join them — making the drugs more accessible to millions of women nationwide who previously had to get them from their doctor or by mail….Dan Steiner, the founder and president of PreBorn, an organization dedicated to supporting life-affirming pregnancy clinics across the U.S., believes that increasing access to chemical abortions online, by mail, and now at pharmacies leaves women to make hasty decisions out of panic and self-manage an already risky and traumatic experience.” Dan Steiner of Preborn joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss saving preborn babies. www.preborn.com


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