Podcast with Dr. Chris Leader of Vote Your Faith on the Right to Life and Abortion Ballots
Topic: Abortion and Ballot Initiatives.
Our Declaration of Independence explains why we became a nation some 250 years ago. It says God has endowed us with our rights, and one of government’s duties is to not interfere with those rights. But in this country, the abortion ethic has undermined the right to life in the last five decades. Today, there are some politicians and their allies in the media who view abortion as among the most sacred of rights. Not the right to life, which is in the Declaration of Independence, but the right to abortion. Since “Roe” was overturned, some states have voted to allow more abortions than would have been accepted before. Is Ohio pro-life? Why did they vote for abortion up to the moment of birth last year? Dr. Chris Leader has studied the state referenda on abortion rights. There’s one for Florida. Who is behind these pro-abortion measures? Is deception involved in selling them? Surprisingly, some polls find Americans less pro-abortion than the media would have us believe. Dr. Chris Leader joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss this issue.