Podcast with Dr. Paul Kengor on Reagan, His Faith, and the “Reagan” Movie

Topic: The Reagan Movie.

One of the most consequential presidents in recent times has been Ronald Reagan. And a new movie celebrates how our 40th president played a major role in helping to end the cold war—with the West winning, not the Soviet Union. Reagan stars Dennis Quaid in the leading role and includes a major part of a former Soviet information specialist, played by Jon Voight. The Voight character saw through the decades that this former B-movie star, this cowboy from California, Reagan, could actually be of great damage to the Soviet cause of ultimate world domination. The movie is based on a book by Reagan biographer x 4, Dr. Paul Kengor, a history and political science professor at Grove City College. Dr. Paul Kengor, author of the book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss Reagan and this movie. www.faithandfreedom.com

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