Podcast with Jim Harden on the Right to Life and Attacks on Pro-Life Ministries
Topic: Attacks Against Pro-lifers.
The Constitution of the United States is predicated on the Declaration of Independence, which says our rights come from the Creator and the first of these rights enumerated is the right to life. But abortion rights are at war with the right to life. In the last year, there have what would seem to be an unprecedented series of attacks against prolife centers and churches. More than 300 as of this recording, according to lifenews.com. One of the most egregious of these attacks was the firebombing of a crisis pregnancy center in the Buffalo, New York area. Jim Harden, CEO of Compass Care, presides over that ministry which was attacked. Jim Harden joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss the attacks against pro-lifers and the unjust non-response to these attacks by the Department of Justice. www.compasscarecommunity.com