Podcast with Joel Penton on Release Time for Religious Instruction During School Hours

Topic: Bible-based Character Ed for School Children.

For the first 200-300 years in America, the Bible in one way or another as the chief textbook in our schools. But in the last half-century or so, the Bible is not welcome in the schools. But there is Bible-based character education for school children courtesy of LifeWise Academy. Based on a survey they commissioned, they report that about 80% of voters support the teaching moral and character education to public school students. LifeWise Academy works to provide such character education. NBC News did a national piece on their work, and many viewed the TV segment essentially a hit job. Apparently, most importantly is what they left out of the segment—the positive results of the work of LifeWise Academy. Joel Penton, the CEO of LifeWise Academy joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss character education. www.lifewise.org


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