Podcast with Rev. Bill Cook on the Black Robe Regiment

Topic: “The Black Robe Regiment.”

During America’s War for Independence, the preachers of the day, especially those of New England, helped proclaim liberty. So much so that some British sympathizers derisively called these patriotic pastors “the black robed regiment,” because these ministers wore black robes in the pulpit. Today, there are some ministers of the Gospel who trying to carry on that same kind of work to bring much-needed renewal to America. Rev. Cook who pastors in Virginia is involved in what he calls, “America’s Black Robe Regiment.” They have 150 pastors commissioned in Virginia, plus 10 chapters across the nation with a goal to be in all 50 states one day, Lord-willing, by 2024. Rev. Bill Cook joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss Christian engagement in the political realm, including pastors. www.abrr.us



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