“The Foundation of American Liberty” Film Series on America’s Christian Roots (Updated Regularly)
Part of what made America so great in the first place was Bible-oriented, Christian education. As one scholar (the late Dr. Donald S. Lutz of the University of Houston) once put it: All the founding fathers (including the few skeptics amongst them) “knew the Bible down to their fingertips.”
Photo of the bridge in Concord where there occurred on April 19, 1775, “the shot heard round the world,” the same day as the Battle of Lexington, which began the War for Independence.
Photo of Dr. Peter Lillback, founder of Providence Forum, and Dr. Jerry Newcombe, executive director of same, at the grave of key founding father, Samuel Adams. (Photo by John Suh).
The Bible gave birth to American liberty in a special way in early America.
Don’t miss the multiple-part FOUNDATION OF AMERICAN LIBERTY series
of hour-long documentaries on our nation’s Judeo-Christian Roots.
The FOUNDATION OF AMERICAN LIBERTY series was produced by Dr. Jerry Newcombe, executive director of Providence Forum.
Here he is on location a few years ago in NYC on his way to interview Eric Metaxas for the series.
[Photo by Jerry Newcombe is in Boston. This is a picture based on the key Liberty Tree in Boston where Samuel Adams, the father of the American Revolution, met with other Sons of Liberty. His work is mentioned in “The Road to Independence” in the series.]
The Foundation of American Liberty Series:
American History Documentary Series on Our Christian Roots
“Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
—George Orwell, 1984
In our time, the history books have been rewritten, and our Judeo-Christian heritage has been erased. This has frightening implications as we continue to see riots in the streets of America, and open rebellion toward the rule of law in general and law-enforcement in particular. Ultimately, our future is at stake.
Oppression, tyranny, slavery, and despotism have been the norm throughout human history. The founders of this nation sought to rise above that norm, risking their very lives and everything dear to them, to forge an entirely new form of government, one based squarely on Biblical principles and ideals, that all men are created equal.
The Foundation of American Liberty is a new multiple-part film series produced by Dr. Jerry Newcombe for Providence Forum (founded by Dr. Peter Lillback, now a division of D. James Kennedy Ministries). This series of hour-long documentaries tell the story of America, showing how the Judeo-Christian heritage is the source of our freedom.
Colonial New England pulpit—where so much of America as a nation was born, ideologically
These are photos by Jerry Newcombe of the Forefathers Monument in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They are reminders of the Christian values of the Pilgrims that have been so important to the nation—-notably, faith, morality, education, law, and liberty. Kirk Cameron was so touched by this granite statue that he made a whole movie centered around it—“Monumental.” Also of interest is a great coffee table type book also centered on the monument.
***To get your own copy of the DVD, please click here. To see the program through streaming, see SALEMNOW.COM***
To watch The Pilgrims film, click here.
The film has now been translated into Chinese (using subtitles).
We have had more than 400 years of Thanksgiving in America—Thanksgiving was first celebrated in the fall of 1621. Our Providence Forum documentary tells the true story of the Pilgrims. In their own words, they came “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.”
This documentary, THE PILGRIMS, celebrates the journey of a small group of outcasts in their quest for religious freedom. Guests in this particular episode include: Dennis Prager, Alveda King, Paul Jehle, Leo Martin, Rod Gragg, Bill Federer, John Eidsmoe, Billy Falling, and William Wrestling Brewster, the great-grandson (by 9x) of the defacto Pilgrim Pastor, Elder Brewster. This special was produced by Dr. Jerry Newcombe and is a presentation of the Providence Forum.
What Others Are Saying About “The Pilgrims”:
- “Excellent video” – Pat Robertson, (Former) Host of the 700 Club
- “Brilliant…absolutely wonderful.” –Paul Strand, CBN News-TV Producer/Reporter
- “timely…riveting…I believe Dr. Newcombe’s film is a must see for Americans today.” –ALEX MCFARLAND, Christian apologist/author
- “awesome…terrific…inspiring”-MOVIEGUIDE®
- “A must watch for all Americans, especially young people! It is a quick, yet thorough, real education on the Pilgrims, and the back story, for such a time as this!” -Tracy Pons, Florida Parent Educators Association (FPEA.COM) (Home school leader)
- “Awesome” –Christian publisher, Jerry Nordskog
- “Sets the record straight about the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock.” Thomas Mann-Librarian, Broward County
- “Masterpiece.” –Rod Gragg, historian, author of “The Pilgrim Chronicles”
- “Jerry, thanks for sending the first installment in what will surely become an important and popular series — congratulations to you, and may you enjoy strength and providential power as you continue to progress through our amazing history.” –Michael Medved, Bestselling author/Talk Radio Host
- “Taught me the history I never learned” –Joe Huggins, Former executive producer of “The Coral Ridge Hour” (which he named)
- One man who monitors television ratings noted in reference to portions of the Pilgrims special: “It was a great program that every family in America should see. The audience liked it.”
Portions of this special have aired and can be seen on Truths That Transform (crm.tv).
To learn how to get a copy of the DVD and other resources on this subject, please see this PAGE on djkm.org.
To get your own copy of just the DVD, please click here.
Please keep checking for further updates on this program.
CBN did a REPORT on the film on Thanksgiving 2020.
Here’s a short trailer of THE PILGRIMS….
“The Pilgrims” can be seen in bite-sized portions as part of the Providence Today series on youtube.
- Understanding the Pilgrims
- Religious Controversy in England
- Persecution of the Pilgrims
- Pilgrims on the Move
- Preparing for the Voyage
- The Voyage of the Mayflower
- The Mayflower Compact
- Surviving the Winter
- The Pilgrims Progress
Note: This documentary, The Pilgrims, which celebrates the journey of a small group of outcasts in their quest for religious freedom, is the first episode of The Foundation of American Liberty series by award-winning TV-producer and author Dr. Jerry Newcombe (on behalf of Providence Forum), highlighting the critical role that the Judeo-Christian tradition played in the shaping of America. Guests in the series include Dennis Prager, Os Guinness, Eric Metaxas, Cal Beisner, David Gibbs III, Peter Lillback (the founder of Providence Forum), Bill Federer, John Eidsmoe, Jenna Ellis, Father Leon Hutton, Daniel Dreisbach, Judge (Ret.) Darrell White, Joyce Burgess, and the late Walter Williams, Rev. Billy Falling (Native-American pastor), and Marshall Foster. Voice work in different parts of the series include Mike Huckabee, Richard Land, Michael Medved, Allen West, Nick Mancuso, and the late Jim Angle, etc.
One of my recent COLUMNS mentions “The Pilgrims” special. This column deals with the Pilgrims and the Indians.
Some media outlets have interviewed Jerry Newcombe about “The Pilgrims” special…such as
- Alex McFarland on AFA Radio: available HERE
- Adam McManus: available HERE
- Virginia Prodan’s program (audio); video HERE
- The Power Hour: HERE
- WRMB radio, Mornings with Brigitte and Eric: HERE
- CBN News: HERE
- Kerby Anderson of “Point of View” who called “The Pilgrims” special “very well done”: HERE
- Ken and Deb Mornings (Moody affiliate): HERE
- David Wheaton on TheChristianWorldview.org: HERE
The Pilgrims
Take a journey of discovery into our nation’s roots in this Providence Forum original documentary. From TV producer and author Jerry Newcombe, The Pilgrims celebrates the nation-shaping saga of a small group of outcasts in their quest for religious freedom. Unlike revisionist history, you will encounter the true story of the men and women who came to these shores “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” Filmed in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and England, and with insights from experts and scholars, The Pilgrims is a memorable and deeply informative look at a vital opening chapter in our nation’s life.
The film can be seen here.
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*Watch CITY ON A HILL on the Real Life Network, founded by Jack Hibbs
A CITY ON A HILL is the latest film in the Foundation of American Liberty series, released by Providence Forum. For more information on the series, click here.
A CITY ON A HILL is an hourlong documentary produced by Jerry Newcombe which deals with the Puritans’ settlement of Boston, of other parts of New England, and other early colonies in British North America that became the United States. The film documents America’s Christian roots, and it culminates with William Penn and his “holy experiment” (in religious liberty), Pennsylvania. Jerry Newcombe is the executive director of Providence Forum, which was founded by Dr. Peter Lillback. Lillback and Newcombe joined forces and produced the book, GEORGE WASHINGTON’S SACRED FIRE.
Here are various recent interviews on A CITY ON A HILL…..
Listen to Jerry Newcombe on A CITY ON A HILL in a discussion with Dr. Tim Clinton, co-host or Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson.
Listen to Bob Crittenden of Faith Radio of Mongomery, Alabama as he interviews Jerry Newcombe about A CITY ON A HILL.
Listen to Eric and Brigitte (with Jill Duquette filling in for Brigitte) interviewing Jerry Newcombe on WRMB, a Moody-affiliate radio station on A CITY ON A HILL.
Listen to Kerby Anderson talk with Jerry Newcombe on Point of View radio about A CITY ON A HILL
Watch Jerry Newcombe being interviewed on A CITY ON A HILL for Victory-TV. Note: Jerry’s part begins at about 18:15 in, from the beginning.
Listen to Alex McFarland on the “Hamilton Corner” of American Family Association radio talk with Jerry Newcombe about the film.
I mentioned this documentary in a recent column……..
“A City on a Hill” by Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., 11/9/22
In seven years, America will celebrate a major milestone—the 400th anniversary of Boston. I passed through Boston’s airport in 2021 and noticed that they seem to be gearing up for this milestone with lots of signs and images celebrating major events in Boston’s history.
Alas, they grossly underplayed the role of the Puritans in this upcoming anniversary. The Puritans established Boston. Their leader, Rev. John Winthrop, even said, famously, “For we must consider that we shall be like a City upon a Hill, the eyes of all people are on us.” The “city on a hill” reference comes ultimately from Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, as his hearers knew.
There was only one reference to the Puritans that I could see in the display of notable events of nearly 400 years in Boston. In 1636, Harvard University was established. That school was named after the Puritan Reverend John Harvard, a Congregationalist minister.
Recently, I produced an hour-long documentary that begins with the founding of Boston. It’s called “A City on a Hill,” and it’s part of the Foundation of American Liberty series I have made for Providence Forum (now a division of D. James Kennedy Ministries).
Guests in this program include Dr. Os Guinness, Alveda King (niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.), Dennis Prager, and Dr. Peter Lillback, the founder of Providence Forum.
The late Marshall Foster, author of The American Covenant, also appears, speaking of the link between the Puritans and much of the freedoms we enjoy today.
He told me, “The Puritans are often maligned today” because of The Scarlet Letter and the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692. “These sidelights of history should be put in context that these Puritans, the vast majority of them, not only were they biblical thinkers, they were open-minded and developed a form of government that allowed liberty and justice for all. If you believe in America’s Constitution and in the freedoms we have today, you can look no further than the Puritans.”
John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans who founded Boston, a decade after their “spiritual cousins” (the Pilgrims) founded Plymouth. The Puritans had tried to work for the “purity” (hence the name “Puritans”) of the Church of England in their native homeland.
But under King Charles I’s horrific persecution, it became hopeless. Thus, in 1620 the Pilgrims found a toehold in New England, and the Puritans began mass migrations to New England ten years later.
British historian Paul Johnson, author of A History of the American People, writes that John Winthrop was “the first great American.”
Johnson calls Rev. Roger Williams “the second great American.” Williams disagreed with Winthrop on some points of leadership. So he struck out on his own to spare being sent back to England. He eventually made it to what is today Rhode Island, the colony he created.
Because God in His Providence spared his life during this trek in the wilderness in winter, Williams decided to name the city he founded after God: Providence. About Rhode Island, Williams declared, “I desired…it might be for a shelter for persons distressed for conscience.”
Another splinter group of Puritans also left Boston and founded their own colony, that of Connecticut. Their leader, Rev. Thomas Hooker, preached a sermon in 1638 which became the foundation of the constitution they wrote up in 1639—the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
The Fundamental Orders says, “We…do, for ourselves and our successors…enter into combination and confederation together, to maintain the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus which we now profess.”
That constitution, a forerunner to the U.S. Constitution (1787), was the first fully developed constitution written on American soil, which is why, to this day, Connecticut calls itself “the Constitution State.”
By 1643, the various colonies of New England came together to create the New England Confederation, in which they declared, “[W]e all came to these parts of America, with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The “city on a hill” reference of Rev. Winthrop is a great metaphor for America. President Ronald Reagan certainly appreciated it.
Said Reagan in his last presidential radio address in 1989: “The hope of human freedom, the quest for it, the achievement of it is the American saga. And I’ve often recalled one group of early settlers making a treacherous crossing of the Atlantic on a small ship when their leader, a minister, noted that perhaps their venture would fail and they would become a byword, a footnote to history. But perhaps, too, with God’s help, they might found a new world, a city upon a hill, a light unto nations.”
The Puritans should be remembered, not maligned, for their indispensable contribution to America as a “city upon a hill.” ###
Note: “A City on a Hill” is dedicated to the late Marshall Foster, a recurring guest in the program.
In May 2024, MOVIEGUIDE, founded by Dr. Ted Baehr, wrote up a review of A CITY ON A HILL:
“CITY ON A HILL on the Real Life Network is part of the seven-part documentary miniseries FOUNDATION OF AMERICAN LIBERTY by Dr. Jerry Newcombe. The movie seeks to educate viewers on the incredible ideas instilled by the Puritans in New England and by other Christians in the 1600s and early 1700s in the other American colonies. CITY ON A HILL takes a deep dive into several colonies and their biblical underpinnings. The documentary shows how Christian, biblical values led to the establishment of democracy, constitutional republican government, freedom of conscience, and liberty.
“CITY ON A HILL is an extremely informative, inspiring historical survey of the first 140 years or so of the American colonies. It reveals the major role their biblical heritage played on the formation of constitutional democracy, order and liberty in the United States. CITY ON A HILL has some historical references to persecution, torture and violence, but they are very light. Ideas such as self-governance, freedom of conscience, due process, and rule by the people and for the people; were all awakened during the time of the Puritans.”
We have lost our way primarily because of the education system. The history books have been rewritten and God has been erased.
***THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM episode of The Foundation of American Liberty series***
Coral Ridge Ministries (aka, D. James Kennedy Ministries) is now offering THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM (on the Bible and American education) on Truths That Transform. You can get your own DVD copy of the hour-long documentary (which includes much bonus footage, including a never-before-released discussion of Kirk Cameron interviewing Jerry Newcombe).
Here are the first 12 minutes of this special.
Here is a portion of THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM dealing with early educators Noah Webster and Rev. William Holmes McGuffey (McGuffey’s Readers).
Here is a segment from THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM on how President Lincoln was inspired by the Bible, which helped him to learn how to read. In this segment from our documentary, Dr. Daniel Dreisbach of American University explains specifically how the Bible impacted the Gettysburg Address. In effect, Dr. Dreisbach “exegetes” this famous speech from 1863, showing how the Scriptures provided the basis for its lofty themes.
Here is a segment from THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM on Harvard.
You can also see a portion of this program in a Providence Today segment….on the Christian roots of Yale. This includes commentary by Dennis Prager.
Here is a portion of THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM regarding Princeton.
Here is a snippet from THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM showing Christianity’s impact on other schools, beyond the initial colonial, mostly Puritan-influenced colleges. This includes Catholic schools and the Tuskegee Institute.
Here is a portion of THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM on “When Schools Changed”—essentially it was when God and the Bible were kicked out of the schools.
Here is a segment from THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM on the further secularization of our schools. It is clear from the historical record that America’s founders did not intend to impose “state sanctioned atheism” in our schools. But too often today that is what we have in effect.
The overall point of THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM is that when the Bible was America’s chief textbook, there was widespread literacy.
In May 2024, MOVIEGUIDE, founded and published by Dr. Ted Baehr, wrote a review of “The Beginning of Wisdom,” saying:
“THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM is an hour long documentary about the history of Christianity and education in Colonial America and the first 100 years or so of the United States. The movie contends that the Puritans, the Pilgrims, early educators, the Founding Fathers, and the American people saw Christianity and the Bible as essential to a good education. For example, all of the early educational systems and major colleges in America were based on a Christian, biblical education. For example, Harvard University’s motto in Latin translates to “Truth for Christ and the Church.” The movie cites Christians like Noah Webster, creator of the famous dictionary, William Holmes McGuffey, creator of McGuffey’s Readers, and the Rev. John Witherspoon, a college president and the spiritual leader to the Founding Fathers drafting the Declaration of Independence.
“THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM is a highly informative, profound and inspiring documentary. It makes a strongly convincing case for its premise that American society, liberty, social order, and good government depend on an educational system based on Christian and biblical truth and values. THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM is must viewing.”
In July 2022, we rolled out “The Road to Independence”…..another film in the Foundation series.
All we ever hear these days about why we became an independent nation is the founding fathers, who were supposedly mostly Deists, were upset at “taxation without representation.” But was there was a religious element that drove American independence. There indeed was. This documentary, “The Road to Independence,” shows that Christianity played a pivotal role in the push for us to become a free nation. For example, the Great Awakening was one of the major factors that helped to unite 13 separate British colonies. Furthermore, pastors (especially those in New England) preached liberty so often that they helped to create the United States.
Written, directed and produced by Jerry Newcombe, this one hour documentary on the Road to Independence features commentary from Os Guinness, Eric Metaxas, Dennis Prager, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Bill Federer, Jenna Ellis, Travis Witt, David Gibbs III, Dr. Cal Beisner, and others, including the late Dr. Walter Williams.
A man with decades of television experience has highly praised this film. He wrote:
“I am really enjoying The Road to Independence; as I said last week, everyone in America needs to see it, and every Church needs a copy….Congratulations, it’s a great series and I find myself learning so much watching it. I keep saying to myself, why is this the first time I am hearing this information….You’ve done a great job of integrating narration, B-role and the interviews. It’s very well done. I would love copies of the program!…Thank you for the incredible work you do.”
***To get a DVD copy of “The Road to Independence,” click here.
***Hear an interview by Chris Salceda of Newsmax with guests Pastor Rob Pacienza, president of D. James Kennedy Ministries, and Jerry Newcombe of Providence Forum. This includes comments on “The Road to Independence.” “The Salcedo Storm Podcast.” Host: Chris Salcedo. Listen here.
***Here are some of the stations that have aired the special, “The Road to Independence:” Cornerstone (CTVN) Pittsburgh, PA, NRB, TCT Network,WTGL-TV45 Orlando, KVTN – Little Rock Arkansas, KVTH Hot Springs, Arkansas, and KVTJ Jonesboro AR/Memphis TN.
***Also, here is how one can order a copy of the DVD, “The Road to Independence.”
***Although not directly related to “The Road to Independence,” Jerry Newcombe, executive director of Providence Forum, was a guest on an OANN segment on a recent historical development
At Providence Forum, we are committed to educating Americans on America’s Judeo-Christian roots, which is the foundation of our liberty. Dr. Jerry Newcombe, executive director, has been working on a series of many films in the Foundation of American Liberty, which are now a part of the ministry of Providence Forum.
In November 2021, on the 400th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, we had a special on the Pilgrims.
In February 2022, in honor of George Washington’s birthday, look soon for the TV special on the life and faith of our first president. Portions of this film will be shown on the D. James Kennedy Ministries flagship program, Truths that Transform, hosted by Dr. Frank Wright. Jerry Newcombe produced the film on George Washington (with major help from Sarah Kittle).
Here are comments on this new film:
- “As someone who grew up under complete tyranny in Romania and came to America with gratitude to God for the liberty here, it was wonderful to see how the Lord raised up the father of this country to help us become free. This powerful film is a reminder of how God and the Christian faith played a key role in the founding of this great nation. But many Americans take our liberties for granted—they need to see this film and movies like it to appreciate the sacrifices in the creation of America. My heart aches when I see misguided young people tear down statues of George Washington—he was a great man. People need to see the truth about him, and this film presents the truth. I highly recommend it. This powerful film is a reminder of how God and the Christian faith played a key role in the founding of this great nation – America!” –Virginia Prodan, International Human Rights Attorney, author of Saving My Assassin
- “I enjoyed the George Washington documentary, and learned a lot. I even re-watched and shared it with my friend who also really liked it!” – Michael Portillo, 18 year old Christian High school student
- “I loved, loved the Washington Video. I pray you do one for every Founding Father. I hope to find a good way to distribute to our Salt & Light Ministries. Well done good and faithful servant.” – Dran Reese, Founder/President, Salt & Light Council, who adds to those who have not seen the film yet: “You will learn details about his inspiring life that will reignite your love for America.”
- “This new George Washington documentary proves beyond question that the Father of our nation served and knew well his Heavenly Father. Washington argued often that without God’s hand and many interventions, America could not have come into being. The documentary also directly takes on the Woke, politically-correct crowd that would erase Washington’s name and topple his many statues because he owned slaves. As far back as 1774, Washington was maneuvering to end the slave trade and became the only American president to free his slaves on his own initiative. This vastly-entertaining 59-minute video covers every exciting facet of Washington’s life and shows how his Christian faith burned bright in them all. It seals the deal that America is indeed a God-blessed nation and God wrapped His divine hand around its first leader time and time again.” -Paul Strand, former CBN News Senior Washington Correspondent
*Watch the video portion of the George Washington documentary on his home life and childhood, and the video on his home life
*Watch the video on George Washington, the Churchman
*Here is a video portion of the George Washington documentary—how he became our Commander-in-Chief
*Here is a video portion of the documentary on how George Washington liberated Boston without firing a shot
*Here is the video portion of the George Washington documentary dealing with Valley Forge
*Here is the video on Washington’s Victory at Yorktown
*Here is the video dealing with how Washington said we could only be a happy nation if we imitate “the divine author of our blessed religion,” Jesus Christ
*Here is the video dealing with his inauguration, “So Help Me, God.”
*Here is a video portion of the George Washington documentary on his peaceful transition to the term of our second president.
***Watch an interview on CTVN with Jerry Newcombe re George Washington
***Listen to Alex McFarland talking with Jerry Newcombe about George Washington
***Listen here to Kerby Anderson of Point of View radio talk with Jerry Newcombe about the film on George Washington.
***Jerry Newcombe was a guest on Cornerstone-TV, based in Pennsylvania, to discuss the George Washington film. You can view it here or here.
***The film was highlighted on CBN’s Newsletter.
***The film was briefly highlighted on CBN’s The 700 Club.
***Jerry Newcombe was a guest on a segment on One American News Network to discuss Washington
***Here’s an appearance on Newxmax-TV on the Chris Salcedo program. Jerry’s part comes at about 51:00 in.
***I was a guest on AFA radio for a few minutes with Tim Wildmon to talk about the GW film.
***I was a guest on Eric and Brigitte on WRMB, a Moody radio affiliate (South Florida)
***This film was based in part on the classic book by Peter Lillback and Jerry Newcombe, George Washington’s Sacred Fire. Here is an interview from April 2023 on that classic book. The interviewer is Dr. Danny Yamashiro, an evangelical chaplain at M.I.T.
***Roger Marsh spoke with Jerry Newcombe recently on the faith of George Washington. Hear it here.
The George Washington documentary tells the incredible story of God’s hand on the father of our country, the first president under the Constitution
“I enjoyed the George Washington documentary, and learned a lot. I even
re-watched and shared it with my friend who also really liked it!”
– Michael Portillo, 18 year old Christian High school student
“I loved, loved the Washington Video. I pray you do one for every Founding Father. I hope to find a good way to distribute to our Salt & Light Ministries. Well done good and faithful servant.”
– Dran Reese, Founder/President, Salt & Light Council, who adds to those who have not seen the film yet: “You will learn details about his inspiring life that will reignite your love for America.”
Get your own DVD copy today or see below for more streaming options (including snippets from the program).
NOW AVAILABLE: “ENDOWED BY THEIR CREATOR” now available through D. James Kennedy Ministries-TV
*Watch a trailer for “Endowed By Their Creator.”
*Here is a short trailer for Truths That Transform for July 2, 2023, which included a segment on ENDOWED. In the trailer, this short segment (explaining some background information on the Declaration of Independence) comes after a brief clip from Dr. D. James Kennedy.
*Jerry Newcombe was a guest on Truths That Transform (2022) for “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?”—a television program based on the book Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry wrote 30 years ago. This is Part 1 of the 2022 program. Here is Part 2. Here is a trailer of this 2022 special. Here is the classic version of our earlier version of a TV special based on the same book.
Note: the voice for Thomas Jefferson in all the Foundation series, especially “Endowed,” is provided by Mike Huckabee.
“Endowed by Their Creator” deals with the Declaration of Independence, with the faith or lack thereof of its chief author, Thomas Jefferson. It also contrasts the American War for Independence which was pro-God with the French Revolution, which was anti-God. Also “Endowed” shows how the founders never intended to banish the Creator from the public arena. They did not want a national church at the federal level, but that doesn’t mean they intended America to be a secular wasteland. Guests in “Endowed” include Dennis Prager, Os Guinness, Eric Metaxas, Bill Federer, Judge (ret’d) Darrell White, Daniel Dreisbach, John Eidsmoe, David Gibbs III, Marshall Foster, Jenna Ellis, and others.
“Endowed by Their Creator” is the latest to be released in the 7-part series of films by Dr. Jerry Newcombe,
the Foundation of American Liberty series.
What is the foundation of American liberty? Our nation’s Judeo-Christian heritage.
Watch “Endowed By Their Creator” on Jack Hibbs’ “Real Life Network”
***“We the People”***
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—Celebrating the Constitution
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—From Covenants to Constitution
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—A Proto Civil War
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—Ben Franklin Saves the Day
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—A Profile on James Madison
*Here is a short portion of “We the People”—A Ravenous Beast of Prey
This special not only explains how the Bible played a critical role in the creation of the Constitution, but it also answers important objections—often raised today—such as, the issues of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and the mistreatment of the Indians. These are glaring examples of the promises of the Constitution that came late, but came nonetheless. Get your own copy of the DVD of “We the People.”
In the “We the People” opening, here are some excerpts of some of the guests:
- Alveda King, niece of MLK: “There is still opportunity in America, there is still hope in America, there is still prayer in America, and I continue to pray for America.”
- Rev. Billy Falling: “As a Native American, the Constitution means to me that I have a protection, I have a wall, I have something that covers me, and that is the rule of law.”
- Father Leon Hutton: “As a Catholic, the Constitution has meant to us the opportunity to freely practice faith as we see it.”
- Dennis Prager: “This is the Judeo-Christian country. Christians rooted in ‘Judeo’ founded the country. Jews knew this….Jews were in love with this country and for good reason.”
- Jenna Ellis: “As a millennial Christian woman, the Constitution is such a wonderful gift that my generation and the generations after must continue to preserve and protect.”
Other guests in this episode include the late Dr. Walter Williams; Bill Federer; the late Marshall Foster; John Eidsmoe; Joyce Burges, co-founder (with her husband), National Black Home Educators; Judge Darrell White, founder, Retired Judges of America; Eric Metaxas; David Gibbs III; Dr. Daniel Dreisbach; Mark Reed, former Nat’s Spokesman for Indians in Film & TV, etc.
Here is Ted Baehr’s review in MOVIEDGUIDE of “We the People.” They give the film 4 stars. MOVIEGUIDE notes: “WE THE PEOPLE is a documentary from Providence Forum. It recounts the story of that remarkable document, the United States Constitution. It brings in some excellent authorities on American history, including Os Guinness, Judge Darrell White, and the late Walter E, Williams of George Mason University. Beyond this, speakers such as Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rev. Billy Falling, a Native American pastor, are key.”
* * * * * * *