Podcast with Analyst Craig Huey on America at the Crossroads

Topic: America at the Crossroads.

In America, do we have politics as usual or are we seeing the nation at a key crossroad? I like bananas. And I like republics. But I don’t like banana republics. And I don’t like the idea of turning America into a banana republic. When we see President Biden and his Justice Department going after President Trump because of allegedly misfiling paperwork and trying to throw his number one political enemy in jail over this (for a long time), are we potentially seeing America sliding into Third World status? Whatever happened to: Let’s agree to disagree?

Political commentator Craig Huey, the publisher of the conservative Huey Report, says that the left could “win by mobilizing their army of volunteers, motivated and energized by their Trump hatred to get out the vote by knocking on doors, ballot harvesting, poll watching, texting, phone calls, campus outreach, and more….It’s a new day in America – a dark day with a pathway leading to our nation’s destruction.” Craig Huey joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss America at the crossroads. www.craighuey.com


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