Podcast with Tessa Longbons Cox on the Right to Life and Chemical Abortions

Topic: Abortion (Chemical or Otherwise) Vs. the Right to Life.

Our founding fathers said that all people are created equal and have been endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights including the right to life. But 50 years of abortion rights in America have undermined that right. And now a majority of the abortions performed in the U.S. are chemical abortions. Tessa Longbons is Senior Research Associate at Charlotte Lozier Institute, where her research focuses on abortion statistics. In an article on the FDA and chemical abortions, Tessa and Mia Steupert write, “The FDA’s abortion drugs complications data is woefully incomplete, a problem that parallels issues with incomplete and inconsistent state complications data. In recent years, the FDA has continued to roll back safety protections for abortion drugs, making it all the more necessary to gather accurate and complete data on complications.” Tessa Longbons joins Jerry Newcombe to discuss how abortions (chemical or otherwise) are at war with the Declaration’s “right to life.” www.lozierinstitute.org


Note: On 3/26/24, the Supreme Court heard a challenge to chemical pill abortion safeguards having been removed in 2016 by the FDA. Does that put women at risk? Here is what SCOTUS Associate Justice Samuel Alito REMARKED during that hearing: “So, your argument is that it doesn’t matter if FDA flagrantly violated the law, didn’t do what it should have done, endangered the health of women, it’s just too bad – nobody can sue them in court?” Alito asked.  “There’s no remedy, the American people have no remedy for that?”

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